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Freemasonry is many things to many people... Is it for you?

If you like working for the relief of others, then Masonry gives you the opportunity to be part of a solution. If you like philosophy, then Masonry gives you the opportunity to learn from the greatest thinkers of antiquity. It encapsulates lessons from the highest points of civilization – from the ancient Greeks, the Bible and King Solomon through the medieval stonemasons’ use of mathematics and

geometry.  If you like history, then Masonry connects you with living history. The ceremonies practiced by Masons today date back over 300 years. When you take part in the three degrees of Masonry, you are experiencing what inspired George Washington, Ben Franklin, Mozart,

Winston Churchill, and more recently John Wayne, John Elway, Shaquille O’Neal and millions of other men to strive to be better men.



One of the most important activities for all Masons is charity.  A Mason learns to look at his situation and be grateful, for possessions are fleeting and "should he ever find another in need he should give to their relief liberally."


Freemasonry has always embraced the cornerstones of Faith, Hope and Charity, but reflects the wisdom that the greatest of these is Charity for "...Charity extends beyond the grave, through the boundless realms of eternity."


Today, Arundel Lodge funds, through its own endowment or in cooperation with local businesses and organizations, several programs to benefit schools, hospitals, veterans, the elderly, families, widows, victims of domestic abuse and children.



The Freemasons have been a part of the communities of Kennebunk (and later Arundel and Kennebunkport) for over 200 years. Arundel Lodge's building was erected on its current spot in 1930, and serves as a gathering point for many community activities including: Scouting, art shows, fundraisers, events, presentations and lectures.


The Lodge holds Public Suppers on the first Saturday of every month from May through October.


The hall is fully equipped with industrial kitchen equipment and seating for 100.  Rental inquiries for private events are welcomed through our contact page.  See calendar for availability.



From one end of the globe to the other, Freemasonry has left its influence on many cultures.  Championing novel ideas (at the time) like "liberty, equality and fraternity," it was central to empowering men towards positive change and improving the state of humanity.


Its influence is strongly felt at some moments in history - like the highly publicized Founding Fathers of the American Revolution - but it has survived many turbulent times in modern history (and some would say ancient history) by staying true to its Fraternal oaths.  The same oaths that Masons today take to help others, improve themselves, respect their government and obey the law.

Self Improvement


One of the first lessons a Mason learns is to use his time wisely - to spend "8 hours at his profession, 8 hours in service to God and his fellow man, and 8 hours to rest and refresh."


It may seem like a simple lesson, but often these insights are overlooked or simply forgotten in a modern world overwhelmed by itself.


Masons turn to lessons, tried and true, to revisit and reaffirm what many before have figured out...what will make "good men better." Masons learn the value of work ethic, education, tolerance, effective communication and self-control.



As part of the ancient guilds, a man knew his Brothers would help him in times of distress, as he would surely do for them.  This oath of responsibility extended to a Brother's family members, or, if the case may be, his widow and orphans.


Today, this tradition continues in Freemasonry as Brothers help Brothers in need, their families, their widows and orphans.  From financial support to emotional support, visitations, celebrations, dinners and holiday gifts - Brothers are reaching a helping hand out to others and showing you are never alone.



At its core, Freemasonry was created to establish a place free from the strife, prejudice and misunderstandings that can destroy goodwill and friendship among men.  Freemasons do not discuss politics or religion in Lodge, but rather find the common ground that lies between them and how they can help those in need in their communities.


It is said Masons "meet on the level" - a verbal confirmation that none are considered above the other, and "on the square" - signifying all are to keep honest, truthful and respectful towards others.  It is in these precepts that men can open to one another, and foster friendships founded on the things that really matter.

Contact Us

Arundel Lodge #76, AF & AM

Tel: (207) 200-1431


Address​​​​​​10 North St.

Kennebunkport, ME 04046


Mailing Address​​​​​​PO Box 228

Kennebunkport, ME 04046

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